Tread the thorny trail

Matthew 7:14 “But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

There was a road in the college that I studied in, which diverged into two, a tarred road and a sandy road. Every time I walked past that road the philosopher in me would wake up and mostly think about “the road not taken” by Robert Frost (it’s a poem we learnt in school) and my most recent visit to these roads actually made me think differently than my initial interpretation of Robert Frost’s poem. I now think of choosing the narrow road not because it’s “the road not taken by many” or “the road less trodden” but because we are called by our Father in heaven to be a part of his perfect plan, the big picture.

I am reminded of the story of the Prodigal son who went for the riches of the world, but later came back to his father. We are like prodigal children almost everyday, but don’t really realize it.

Ida Scudder, Mother Theresa, Iris Paul, Graham Staines, to name a few had actually chosen “The road not taken”. They could have led their comfortable lives back in their homes but they heard the call of the Father in heaven who sent His one and only son to earth to save us for our sins.

Lord I hand over my time,my talents, and anything you ask of me today to you. Lord let it be used for your glory. Help me to face my day with heavenly grace and courage,guard my mouth and the words that come out of them. Lord be with me. Amen.

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